In addition to the skills and concepts listed for Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Winds, this highly developed jazz ensemble also provides students with learning opportunities that enable them to: (1) Develop understanding, through performance and analysis, of all jazz styles, including Latin, Swing, Rock and Ballad, in the context of melody and harmony; (2) Develop proficiency in improvisational skills through an understanding of chord structure, modes (all appropriate), pentatonic and whole tone scales, melodic structure, and proper style. This ensemble, of approximately 21 players, studies, rehearses and performs music from the professional repertoire. Student comprehension will be monitored by frequent applied and written evaluations. If you have any questions regarding Jazz Ensemble contact Mr. Granlund at 259-5301 ext. 45383 or rgranlund@msdwt.k12.in.us

Important Announcements and Information for the

Jazz Ensemble can be found in the area below.